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Explore your artistic side: Pi Network presents Pi2Day 2023 Art Festival

Unleash your creativity at Pi2Day 2023 Art Festival. Visualize a Pi-Powered World and gain Recognition. Join the Pi Network community and showcase your art for a chance to shape the future.


  • Pi2Day 2023 Art Festival celebrates art in the Pi Network community and beyond.
  • Theme: Visualize a Day in a Pi Powered World, encouraging holistic and imaginative perspectives.
  • Artists can showcase their work on Fireside Forum’s P2Day Art Fest channel.
  • Top submissions get recognized by Pi Network’s Core Team, featured on social media, and have a chance to win a special Pi2Day T-shirt.

Pi2Day Art Festival: Visualize a Day in a Pi Powered World

Pi Network understands the significance of art and its potential to envision a future powered by $Pi. In celebration of Pi2Day 2023, the platform hosts an exciting Pi Art Festival, inviting artists to share their unique perspectives in its decentralized ecosystem.

The Pi2Day Pi Art Festival is set to kick-start on June 28, bringing together a vibrant community of artists on the Fireside Forum platform. A dedicated channel called P2Day Art Fest will be established on the forum to facilitate the festivities, allowing participants to showcase their extraordinary artworks and engage with the community.

This year, the festival’s theme is “Visualize a Day in a Pi Powered World.” While focusing on utility and everyday life, participants are encouraged to think holistically and imaginatively about how Pi could integrate into various aspects of daily living.

The theme presents an opportunity for artists to portray a comprehensive vision of a world enhanced by Pi, incorporating their creativity, insights, and aspirations.

Sharing and Recognition

The Pi Network’s Core Team recognizes the talent and dedication of its community members. Therefore, top submissions from the Pi2Day Art Festival will be curated by the Core Team for recognition and exposure.

The core team will feature the selected artworks on Pi’s social media platforms, blog, and other official channels. Additionally, artists with outstanding contributions can win a unique Pi2Day T-shirt, an exclusive symbol of their creative prowess and participation.

Rules and Regulations 

While the Pi Network promotes open-mindedness and encourages thought-provoking creations, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining tasteful and respectful submissions.

The festival seeks to foster an inclusive and uplifting environment free from hateful, vulgar, or offensive subject matter. Artists are urged to approach the theme with creativity, imagination, and sensitivity.

How to Participate

Pi Network will communicate specific guidelines regarding the submission process and deadlines for the Pi2Day Art Festival closer to the event. As the festival approaches, the Pi Network will release detailed instructions on how and when artists can submit their creations.

Stay tuned to Pi Network’s official announcements and channels to ensure you don’t miss out on any updates.

The Pi2Day 2023 Art Festival is an exciting opportunity for artists within the Pi Network community and beyond to unite, unleash their creativity, and envision a future enriched by Pi. By participating in this festival, artists can share their unique perspectives and contribute to a collective vision of a Pi-powered world.


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