Paynet coin

Paynet Coin – One of the main token on FMCPAY Exchange

PAYN (Paynet coin) is one of the most anticipated digital coins in 2021. As it solves both scale and usability issues in payments in the travel and service industries globally. PAYN is now a main token belonging to FMCPAY.

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Liquidity of Paynet Coin

In 2021 Paynet coin was listed on the FMCPAY electronic exchange, one of the most prestigious international exchanges and has nearly 400 different trading pairs.

Currently, on FMCPAY, the pair is listed: PAYN/USDT. Trading volume is about 200,000$/24h. PAYN is one of the potential cryptocurrencies that always has great attraction and is the top search target for investors because it gives very high returns.

BlockChain 2.0 technology & applicability in life make PAYN one of the top potential cryptocurrencies.

PayNet Coin is an on-demand liquidity service. The growing Paynet coin ecosystem makes it easier than ever to run the payments of a high-performance business. Blockchain 2.0 technology makes payments global, financial institutions can expand into new markets around the world and even eliminate pre-funding by leveraging the power of PayNet Coin.

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PayNet on FMCPAY

PayNet Coin is a digital wallet for each Fiat currency and a mechanism for depositing/withdrawing to those digital wallets via bank or debit/credit card (in each country whose currency is supported by PayNet Coin system), users & businesses can also receive, transfer for fiat currency from other users & businesses around the world.

So PayNet Coin belongs to an exchange that is FMCPAY so that all users can exchange the Fiat currency in their Fiat currency wallet with other users.

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Total circulating supply and distribution of PAYN

PAYNET coin has a total supply of 560 million coins, the amount distributed to the community is only 60% (~336M), the rest of Team Dev 15% locked for 5 years, the next 15% for reserve and 10% for global marketing campaigns.

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PAYNET Community Group

PAYNET Coin has only been released for a short time and many holders across countries are looking forward to it. PayN has strong community in numerous countries.

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