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Did The Simpsons Predict Silicon Valley Bank Collapse in 1994?

Social media is currently engulfed with the SVB collapse, with claims that The Simpsons predicted the bank would go kaput in 1994. An episode of season 6 (1994) is doing the rounds showing Bart Simpsons entering Silicon Valley Bank before its closure. Customers of the bank are seen fighting each other to withdraw their money as the bank suddenly collapsed. The video of The Simpsons ‘predicting’ the Silicon Valley Bank collapse in 1994 in season 6 episode 21 is listed below.

The Simpsons Predicted Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse?

No, The Simpsons did not predict that the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in 1994. The video doing the rounds online is an edited version. The original video highlights the ‘First Bank of Springfield’ which has been replaced by ‘Silicon Valley bank’ after the SVB fallout.

You can watch the original clip that aired in 1994 below showing ‘First Bank of Springfield’.

While it is true that The Simpsons have predicted several world events, they are mostly mundane explanations with visuals. However, the majority of ‘predictions’ are mostly a hoax with digitally altered videos by social media pages to gain traction.

The Simpsons are notorious for depicting day-to-day life by connecting it with common events that shape our world. From politics to finances, and culture, the cartoon series has a wide range of specifics that mostly cover everyday life.

Coming back to the Silicon Valley Bank, Ripple, and various other entities confirmed that they have an undisclosed amount held in the bank. “Ripple had some exposure to SVB – it was a banking partner, and held some of our cash balance,” tweeted Ripple CEO, Brad Garlinghouse.

However, he assured that there would be “no disruption” to day-to-day business. Garlinghouse also confirmed that Ripple holds a majority of USD with a broader network of banking partners. You can read more details about the development here for a better and more in-depth understanding.

Source: Watcher.Guru

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